Donnerstag, 12. April 2012

War on Drugs: raise the pressure at the eve of the Summit of the America (#warondrugs #summit

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From: Jeffrey Dhywood

On the eve of the Summit of the America, this is our last chance to raise the pressure on the 32 heads of states that will be meeting in Cartagena, Colombia this week end, April 14-15. For the first time ever, drug policy reform will be debated at a major international meeting, with the presidents of the major players of the failed war on drugs in assistance: USA, Colombia and Mexico. Invite your friends to sign the Perez Molina petition Post it on your Facebook walls, or on the walls of the groups you follow.

AVAAZ finally launched its own petition in support of the Latin American legalization debate. I invite you to sign it as well.

Last October, I launched an initiative calling on Presidents Calderon of Mexico and President Santos of Colombia to take the lead of a global coalition for legalization and control of currently illicit drugs. Check Sign the open letter to Presidents Calderon and Santos, Share it with your friends.

The best way to increase your impact is to contact directly the key players in the drug legalization debate: the presidents of Colombia and Mexico, of course, but also of the Central American countries: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama. For detailed instructions on how to contact them, please check:

We need to ensure that the current debate doesn't end at the Summit of the Americas, but leads to concrete actions and genuine reform. This is the first step on the road to a prohibition-free world. Prohibitionism will not just disappear. It will require massive, concerted mobilization and unshakable determination to defeat it. We cannot afford to waste this opportunity. The next step could be the creation of a coalition of the countries willing to move beyond the failed prohibitionist policies with its chaotic and destructive illegal marketplace, and willing to move towards controlled legalization with a properly regulated marketplace.

Major events are planned in the US and all over the world for this Summer. I will keep you posted. This is history in the making, be part of it! Stay engaged!

For more information about prohibitionism, the War on Drugs and controlled legalization:

For the latest developments: or follow me on Twitter: @JDhywood

For more detailed instructions on how you can help promote the Perez Molina petition, see:

Read the remarkable article by Perez Molina published on April 7 in the UK-based Observer

If you want to get more involved:

Support the drug policy reform movement. There are many organizations out there, who have been fighting in the trenches for years or even decades, such as NORML, DPA or LEAP. I particularly like LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition), the most credible drug legalization advocacy group in the world. Help support the amazing work they are doing.

Informacion en español:
Para leer la petición en español:
Legalización de drogas tiene que formar parte del debate durante la VI Cumbre de las Américas


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