- psychological impacts of climate change;
- experiences of climate-exacerbated disasters;
- risk perceptions;
- gender;
- resilience and adaptation;
- engaging governments, extractive and fossil fuel industries;
- public education and curriculum development;
- evaluating novel interventions;
- clinical case studies (intervention, group or community);
- community mobilization;
- ethical case studies (e.g., engaging with statutory bodies);
- climate activism;
- climate anxiety;
- at-risk populations;
- psychologies' roles in supporting climate action;
- and climate inequities and mental health.
Donnerstag, 6. Januar 2022
#CfP: #Psychology and the #Climate Emergency (SAJP) - Deadline 28 February 2022
Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2021
#CFP: #Afro-Asian #CriticalPsychology Virtual #Conference; 4-6 May 2022
Call for PapersAfro-Asian Critical Psychology Conference 4th - 6th May 2022
Psychology in the global south is heavily influenced by mid-twentieth century American Psychology, this has often meant that the discipline has replicated American cultural ideals onto local contexts. In doing so, psychology has become a means of erasing local psychologies and socially relevant ideas. The call to decolonise is not a new one, but in recent years it has been gaining traction and gathering form.
For critical psychology, this is a chance to challenge hegemonies of cultural dominance and essentialisms. Critical psychology attempts to provide a more meaningful psychology that is grounded in historical, economic and local contexts. It is a psychology that constantly questions power structures and allies itself with radical ways of thinking about the world. Critical psychology does not shy away from being political as it does not cling to faux neutrality. The focus of the discipline has been transdisciplinary and allies itself with activism.
It is an undeniable fact that most of the knowledge that circulates around the world comes from the countries located in the North Atlantic: United States, United Kingdom, France and Germany. To address the issue of epistemic violence it is becoming essential to collaborate with academics and experts who work in the global south.
Aim of the Conference:
Through this online based conference, we seek to create a platform for academics to interrogate the exclusion, silencing, invisibility and the inaudibility of work by scholars from Africa and Asia and the wider global south regions, systematic distortions of meanings of contributions and the diminished status assigned to the work/knowledge produced from these regions. Discussion sessions will provide academics from the named regions with an opportunity to call attention to the unjust structures of meaning making knowledge production practices and dissemination of such in the wider field of global academia.
In addition, through this conference, we hope to create an international networking opportunity for critical psychologists from the wider global south regions in order to facilitate a collaborative response to the highlighted challenges from these regions.
By making the conference virtual we hope to make this an accessible space and open to scholars at a minimal cost or no cost.
Resisting hegemonies.
Emerging discourse.
Interdisciplinary alliances.
Responding to the local political environment.
Locating critical psychology in history.
The position of critical psychology in a local context.
Submission of abstracts:
Academics and researchers are invited to submit a proposal on or before the deadline below. You should indicate the type of session that you would like to undertake.
Please note that we are especially keen to receive outputs from: academics and practitioners at different stages of their careers. Research groups and postgraduate students are also welcome to submit abstracts for this conference.
Important Dates:
Abstracts Submission deadline: (15th December 2021)
Notification of acceptance: (27th February 2022)
Conference dates: (4th - 6th of May 2022)
Selected papers and outputs will appear in the published proceedings of the conference which will be available to participants. The publications will be at the Annual Review of Critical Psychology (ARCP). This is a peer-reviewed open access journal with contributions from scholars across the world.
Further Inquiries:
To submit your abstract please follow the link below:
For enquiries please email us using the email below.
Website: https://afroasiancriticalpsychology.wordpress.com
Follow us on Twitter: @AACritPsy
Montag, 12. April 2021
#CFP: #Menstruation in the #Media; University of Sheffield, UK; 22 October 2021
Calling researchers, advocates, and artists!
In collaboration with the Menstruation Research Network, this one-day event at the University of Sheffield will focus on media narratives about menstruation and related topics. It will bring together researchers in the fields of journalism and media studies, individual advocates, and representatives from NGOs. The event will take place at the University of Sheffield on 22nd October 2021, but this will be changed to an online format if necessary.
We are delighted to announce that our keynote speaker will be Annika Waheed. Annika is a non-clinical lecturer for Barts Health Trust in London and suffers from Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, a condition that she describes as 'PMS's woefully misunderstood Satanic sibling'. She advocates, educates, and raises awareness via her Instagram page on which she candidly records her journey living with PMDD.
The day will also include 15-minute papers and workshops. Papers/ workshop sessions are free to explore any type of media (such as blogs, zines, podcasts, apps, websites, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, newspapers, magazines, radio, cinema).
Topics could include (but are not limited to) the following mediatised aspects of menstrual experience:
- Menstrual inequalities
- Period Poverty
- Menstrual Stigma
- Menstrual products
- The Environment (such as the impact of plastic products)
- Transgender and non-binary identities
- Intersectionality
- Ethnic minority groups
- Menstrual health (such as PMDD or endometriosis)
- Education (such as in schools)
- Menopause
If you would like to propose either a 15-minute presentation or a 45-minute workshop, please submit an abstract/ summary of up to 300 words along with a brief bio to the organisers Dr. Maria Tomlinson at maria.tomlinson@sheffield.ac.uk and Lottie Rhodes at C.Rhodes2@newcastle.ac.uk. The submission deadline is Friday 4th June.
There is a limited amount of funding available for travel expenses for speakers/ workshop leaders (within the UK) who are students, ECRs, or unemployed. The event is supported by the Leverhulme Trust and will be free to attend.
Mittwoch, 3. März 2021
feministische Aktionen und Veranstaltungen im März 2021 #feminismus #achtermaerz #20000frauen
Affinity Space #Ethnography: Exploring #QualitativeMethods for Studying #OnlineSpaces"; Thursday March 18th from 7.00-8:30PM EST #SQIP Virtual Salon
Thursday March 18th from 7-8:30PM EST: "Affinity Space Ethnography: Exploring Qualitative Methods for Studying Online Spaces"
[you can check your time zone at https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com ]
Affinity spaces are sites of informal learning where groups — perhaps knitters and fiber artists, fans of a movie or game, or members of a writing circle — interact around a "common endeavor" (Gee, 2004, p. 85). They may be physical, virtual or blended spaces, and they are often spread across many "portals" of conversation and action, such as social media hashtags, face-to-face meetings, message boards, blogs, or web pages. This salon brings education researchers who specialize in the exploration of writing and other literacy practices in online spaces into conversation with our qualitative psychology research community to examine connections and to learn from each other. Based on a decade of collaborative and individual research, the panelists have developed and continue to refine qualitative methods for tracing participation and understanding interaction in online spaces. What we have observed is that despite physical and temporal separation, members of online affinity spaces work and learn together, often establishing meaningful relationships; co-authoring artifacts; and maintaining sites, communities, or hashtags. To trace the development of affinity spaces and what participants learn from taking part in them, we examine the complex artifacts and texts that constitute online and blended social practices.
The panelists will begin by collectively introducing affinity space ethnography (Lammers, et al., 2012). Then each will share a snapshot of how they have implemented this methodology in various studies and what this work looks like. These snapshots explore questions about how to make initial research design decisions that guide the study of complex networked spaces, how participants traverse different tools or parts of online spaces, and how youth writers move between online and face-to-face spaces to develop their craft. Discussant Ashley Maynard, director of the Culture and Human Development Lab at the University of Hawai`i, will then provide comment, and audience members will have the opportunity for Q&A.
Please register for this event at https://www.crowdcast.io/sqip and share widely--free and open to the public!
Freitag, 19. Februar 2021
#CFP: #Decolonising #CriticalTheory Workshop, 5 May 2021 - Submission deadline 8 Mar 2021
Dear friends of the Critical Theory in Hard Times network,
We are pleased to circulate a renewed CfP for the re-scheduled and online Decolonising Critical Thought workshop (Wed 5 May 2021) for further contributions and interest in the event.
We would be grateful if you could circulate this invite to anybody this might be of interest to. As last year, we particularly encourage the participation of PGRs and ECRs working in this area.
Best regards,
Sadiya, Paul, Robert and Davide
Co-convenors, Critical Theory in Hard Times network
Call for Participation: Decolonising Critical Thought Workshop
Wednesday 05th May 2021.
12-5pm. Online Event.
In recent years, through the contestation of symbolic figures, campaigns such as #CounteringColston and #RhodesMustFall undertaken in the context of the #BlackLivesMatter movement, have highlighted the lasting impact of colonialism in the public realm. These campaigns exist alongside wider debates about the less visible legacy of colonialism in contemporary power relations and the ongoing exclusions and oppressions that they sustain. In the education sector, and in Universities in particular, these discussions have prompted reflection on the possibilities and advantages of decolonising the curriculum. Attempts to diversify a Euro-centric and culturally hegemonic syllabus, have revealed more deep-rooted, structural challenges than a mere re-shuffling of the personnel that appear on reading lists. At the same time, important discussions have started in a wide range of research fields and disciplines on the colonial assumptions underpinning established intellectual traditions and research practices. This project poses the question of what it means to decolonise the methodologies used for engaging in intellectual production. We need to ask whether the concepts and questions through which we inscribe our inquiries are committed to modes of thought that perpetuate and sustain coloniality.
The Critical Theory in Hard Times research network was initiated in February 2019 at Manchester Metropolitan University with a research cluster event centred on the question: 'What does it means to be critical today?' Covid-19 imposed delays on the networks plans to meet over 2020, while also highlighting the varied ways in which structural inequality continues to exacerbate unequal access to resources and discrimination. All of which emphasises the need to reflect on the relationship between structural inequality, coloniality and critical thought today. Our efforts as a network to re-think critical theory beyond the silos of particular traditions (including but not limited to postcolonial and decolonial thought, feminism, critical race theory, Frankfurt School, Gramscian, Bourdieusian, Foucauldian approaches, deconstruction), lead us to ask about the potential for dialogue and engagement between these approaches concerning the question of (de)colonisation. This workshop will ask to what extent a dialogue between these traditions, or a clarification of the terms of their incompatibility, can contribute towards identifying the resources that they provide towards creating a global critical theory.
Given that Covid-19 is still with us, the organising committee have made a decision to make the Workshop an online event, which provides a degree of confidence with which to organise. We are looking to experiment with the format of our engagement by hosting less formal modes of presentation in order to encourage discussions between contributors rather than a series of presentations. This call is conducted in the spirit of creating a vibrant network, which will bring individuals together to have meaningful and long-lasting collaborations and conversations.
For this reason, we ask for a 200-word statement of interest and an indication of the questions with which you are interested to engage – either from the indicative list or by adding to it.
Please send contributions by 8 March 2021 to criticaltheorynetwork@gmail.com (Participants will be notified of acceptance by 26 March)
We particularly encourage the participation of PGRs and ECRs.
Indicative Questions:
- What are the colonial and racialised structures that endure in your field of study?
- What does it mean to 'decolonise' critical thought?
- How can we relate to the teaching and research conversations on 'decolonising' the curriculum and research?
- In what way(s) has the pandemic exacerbated or highlighted inequality in your discipline/area of research?
- What are the risks of institutionalisation, co-optation etc. and how can they be avoided?
- What is the critical content of decolonisation?
- What is the broader significance of these discussions for contemporary politics?
- What dialogues / conversations can be started between different strands of CT?
- How is the issue of epistemic incommensurability / incommunicability to be dealt with?
- What does it mean to be methodologically decolonial?
- What is a decolonial methodology?
- Is a 'global critical theory' possible?
- In what ways does 'practice as research' engage with the decolonisation of critical thought?
Critical Theory in Hard Times network co-convenors: Sadiya Akram, Paul Giladi, Davide Schmid, Robert Jackson
Freitag, 7. August 2020
New issue of #Awry: #Journal of #CriticalPsychology
An issue of Awry: Journal of Critical Psychology has been published.
Link: https://awryjcp.com/index.php/awry/issue/current
Dienstag, 14. Juli 2020
#PsySR: Community Conversation- Psychosocial Perspectives on #Abolition-Wednesday, July 15
Cultural Violence and the Prisoner Reentry Industry![]()
Artwork courtesy of Joey Villarreal of Aztlan Press. Used with permission.
PsySR Community Conversation:Psychosocial Perspectiveson Abolition:Cultural Violence and the Prisoner Reentry Industry
Please Join UsDate: Wednesday, July 15, 2020Time: 1 PM HST// 4:00PM PDT// 6:00PM CDT // 7:00PM EDT1:00AM CEST (July 16) // 1:00AM MESZ (July 16) // 9:00AM AEST (July 16)Presenter: Gordon CreanFacebook event page:Zoom link:This talk will be recorded
In 2018, an estimated 4.5 million people in the US were under some form of community supervision, compared to the 2.3 million people behind bars (Prison Policy Institute, 2018). The massive, expanding industry of transferring people from prison to community supervision—the prisoner reentry industry—is often touted as a "rehabilitative" alternative to the punitive policies of mass incarceration. In reality, it is largely set up to entrap criminalized people in cycles of failure, while encouraging them to blame themselves for that failure. The prisoner reentry industry perpetuates narratives of individual responsibility that attempt to blame the survivors of systems of oppression for the oppressive social conditions they face, thus justifying their continued criminalization and marginalization, while masking the structural root causes of social problems. Therefore, the dehumanizing myths surrounding reentry are a site of significant psychosocial struggle and resistance (while not always registered as such). In the current political moment of uprising and mobilization, Black, Indigenous, disability justice, queer and trans feminist legacies of transformative justice and abolitionist organizing present the path forward towards liberation and decolonization.This community conversation will begin with a brief presentation about cultural violence and the prisoner reentry industry, then open up to a broader conversation about psychosocial perspectives on prison industrial complex abolition, as well as the roles of psychologists, critical scholars, scholar-activists, etc. in supporting abolition.
Presenter BioGordon Crean (they/them/theirs or he/him/his) is a white settler, hetero demiguy from a class privileged background. They are a PhD student at UMass Lowell, MA, US, the lands of Pennacook peoples, where they are a mentee of Dr. Urmitapa Dutta. They co-chair the Decolonial Racial Justice Action Group and are on the steering committee of Psychologists for Social Responsibility. Their presentation for this community conversation is based on their first research paper, and they bring the perspective of a novice/beginner, as well as someone inhabiting multiple oppressor identities.
Psychologists for Social Responsibility | 122 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60603
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