Montag, 12. Juli 2010

Tenure-Track Position: Social Psychology, Clark University

The Department of Psychology invites applications for a position to begin in August 2011. Noted for its rich history in Psychology, Clark University offers the advantages of both a distinguished research university and a small liberal arts college (see The Psychology Department has Ph.D. programs in Social, Clinical, and Developmental Psychology.
Rank is open, although preference will be given to candidates at the assistant or associate level. We seek a social psychologist, interested both in theory and application related to socially relevant issues. These can include, but are not limited to, intergroup relations, ethnic violence and discrimination, conflict transformation, societal norm change or social movements and collective action, immigration, and other topics that intersect with political psychology. We are looking for someone who combines multiple methods in her/his research, has experience working in diverse cultural contexts (including outside the U.S.), and practices a contextualized as well as theoretically grounded social psychology. The ideal candidate would provide synergistic links with the other programs in the department, and ideally with other University programs such as the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, International Development and Social Change, the Race and Ethnic Relations program, or the Mosakowksi Institute for Public Enterprise, whose mission is to facilitate social change through use-inspired research. Candidates should have a productive program of research that shows promise for obtaining external funding. The successful candidate is expected to be able to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in social psychology, research methods or statistics, and her/his area of expertise.
Applicants should send a statement of research and teaching interests, CV, and three representative publications (one of which should, preferably, be theoretical), and should arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent electronically to socialpsychsearch2010[at] Review of applications will begin September 28th, 2010. Clark is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities and women are especially encouraged to apply.

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