Sonntag, 15. September 2019

2nd #Pathologies of #Capitalism #Conference; Costa Rica; 1-3 April 2020


2nd Pathologies of Capitalism Conference 

Universidad de Costa Rica April 1-3, 2020


Proposals Accepted in Spanish & English


Often, in current times, we witness meetings, events, discussions, gatherings in which capitalism is celebrated: glorifying the ideas of empowering individualism, unlimited consumerism, meritocracy, or earnings derived from the capitalization of nature and living things.


For our part, we choose to look elsewhere: discerning that which produces pain and suffering, inequality, and humiliation. As Marx wrote, all that humiliates and lessens human beings.


We are not indifferent to what has happened in other socioeconomic arrangements and systems, but what we have to deal with is capitalism, and many would say, with more capitalism than ever. That is why we focus on what is produced by the lust for profits that cannot be avoided in the functioning of capital, and that can only be limited if it is socially controlled.


"No hay nada más subversivo que el Nosotros" Libro de los Saberes


Our event will include two joint sessions, at the beginning and the end of the experience, and will also include discussion sessions, organized according to the following topics:


1. The capitalism(s) we endure: the current and its characteristics. Psychology and capitalism.


2. Processes of explotation and labor vulnerability.


3. Processes of dispossesion and deterritorialization.


4. Processes of affirmation and destructions of communality.


Registration Fees-

Students: 35 dollars

Professionals (Latin America): 85 dollars

Professionals (Other): 125 dollars

These fees do not include lunches. There will be alternatives provided at decent costs.



We identify as "presentations" interventions to be discussed at the tables dedicated to each of the thematic axes, shorter than one paper and without a definite closure. This modality potentially involves each person participating in the meeting. Each presentation will be ten minutes at one of the tables of the Meeting. The purpose of these presentations is to offer arguments, theoretical-methodological or political-social contributions, possible lines of action, programmatic suggestions, in general, whatever is considered to contribute to collective discussion and elaboration. The presentation proposal must be submitted in writing to the organization, in a summary of no more than 300 words. These proposals will be received until February 1, 2020. Interested persons may propose to the organization of the event texts to be integrated into the discussion and circulated among the participants. The full texts can be delivered to be shared with the participants.


Submission Format-



Do you need any equipment for the presentation? Please specify.

Abstract (max. 300 words)


Although proposals will be accepted until February 1, 2020, we encourage potential participants to submit proposals as soon as possible so that we can make the necessary preparations for the event.


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